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Enache Sebastian - Air force officer

As an Air Force officer, I command, train and motivate Air Force airmen and airwomen for peacetime and wartime tasks. Air Force officers work at the middle and executive management leve. I am specialised in various areas depending on their training and qualifications.

As an Air Force officer, I am specialised as an/a:

  • Air Combat Officer - uses radar systems to detect enemy aircraft and provide fighter pilots with the tactics to intercept them and engage in combat.
  • Air Traffic Control Officer - manages the safe flow of military and non-military aircraft around Air Force bases and military areas, assisting in flight planning, coordination and control.
  • Airfield Engineer Officer - manages, assesses, repairs and maintains the operation of the Air Force airfields, roads, buildings and engineering services.
  • Environmental Health Officer - monitors pollution levels, advises on preventative health measures and develops policies and strategies for maintaining a healthy environment.
  • Medical Officer - provides health services for Air Force personnel in RAAF hospitals, first aid posts or in emergency situations.
  • Pilot - flies combat and support aircraft on a variety of missions and roles, conducts flying lessons and carries out planning and administrative duties.

Personal Requirements:

  • meet aptitude and medical requirements
  • willing to accept responsibility
  • ability to lead and motivate others
  • willing to serve anywhere around the World